

lunes, 6 de junio de 2011

My ideal job!

I'd be lying if I say that this theme never crossed my mind, my ideal job, what would be my ideal job?. Well, obviously it has to be something related with animal (other way I wouldn't be studing Veterinary), but there is a lot of jobs related with animal, so what other things atracttd me?. Suddenly I started to imagine myself travel around the world and I realize that if I could mix up animal and   travel I would be very, very happy.

Based on the previous, I think that the best job for me would be, in the best of cases, work for a company or a magazine  that pays me for studing behavior of wild animal, in any part of the planet!, because that would give me the oportunity to work and relate with differents kind of people, animal and environments, also I would be researching about wild animal, something that likes me (and I think that there is a lot of things that we don't know about them yet)

Another point that makes this ideal job be so ideal for me it's the fact that I would have to deal with  no so many people in my work, a little group or being alone would be fine for me, also you dont't have to talk to much with you boss (I mean imagine if you are in the Amazon, how you can comunicate with your boss?)

God, just thinking about it makes me happy, although, maybe the hours of work could be a little expansive. Never mind!, who can control you?. Oh, yeah!, defenitely I would enjoy it.

That's all for today
Goodbye everybody!
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